Hello Kangaroo!

Hello Kangaroo!
Feb. 9, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Fraser Island Adventure

Easter weekend came and went, along with my week-long break from Uni.
During the week long break, I eat plenty of chocolate (enough to last a lifetime). All provided by the family I'm staying with.

Also, I hung out with friends, traveling to Noosaheads Beach with a group of 20 from Hillsong.

The week of break was filled with paper writing for me.
I am enrolled in 3 courses:
1. Advanced International Studies Theory
2. Ethics & Human Rights
3. Culture, Conflict & Reconciliation
And each course had a paper due. Most were about 40% of my overall grade. So that’s what I spent my time doing.

Now, after 3 papers turned in…

I went to Fraser Island this weekend (Anzac Day-- Public Holiday) with Katy!

The weekend started out on Friday morning… early, early, early! I woke up around 5 am to take the train to Brissie Transit Centre and catch the greyhound. The greyhound trip was 4.45 hrs long before we arrived at Dingo's backpacker's hostel.
We had orientation at the hostel and started meeting all kinds of people. Irene came with us, she's from Indonesia, and she was the only Asian in the entire hostel. Everyone else came from the Americas or Europe.

Saturday morning we woke up early again and headed off the the Beach. It down poured that night. We were soaked to our bones. We went to lake MacKenzie, the bluest lake I've ever seen. Indian Head look out point, on top of a cliff where you can spot all the sea creatures (turtles, dolphins, whales, sharks, etc.). And Lake Wabby, a lake where the fish swim up to your toes and bite the dead skin off. It tickles!!

I think my video will show my Fraser Island trip best!

It's on YouTube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAE6toxfbJw

Or view below. Please ignore the typos, I don't know why my mac uploaded the "rough draft" version. :)

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